Tuesday, March 20, 2007

jasmine-turkey meatballs: Cooking Light

So, I played around a bit with this recipe when I made it last night. Mostly because baby bok choy is not nearly my favorite vegetable. So I made the meatballs without alteration*, skipped the bok choy, water and green onions (not that I don't like green onions), and put the rest of the ingredients together into a nice, shiny, cornstarch-enhanced sauce:

Isn't it lovely how shiny cornstarch makes everything?

Verdict: delicious. Love that ginger and garlic. The sauce, however, is best served on the side if you've got little kids, 'cause the red pepper gives it quite a bite. We at ours over whole-wheat fettuccine.

I would note that mine version cooked a bit faster than the recipe indicated, so keep an eye on them as they brown and then cook through. But as for taste? I whole-heartedly recommend this recipe.

happy eating!

-*okay, so I used frozen, mechanically separated turkey instead of fresh ground. What can I say? It's cheaper. Like, lots. :)
-Rereading the recipe just now, I realize that I accidentally put in two eggs instead of two egg whites. Oops.
-due to the above alteration (I'm presuming), my meatballs were more like mini-meat-patties, and were browned on only two sides. Still yummy, not quite so pretty.
-I cooked the rice according to package directions, not recipe directions.

-I used low-sodium nothing. I used reconstituted bouillon instead of real chicken broth. You can just always assume I'll do this. Yep.
-left out bok choy, water, oil and green onion, and tweaked the sauce preparation instructions, as noted above.

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