Sunday, April 29, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Mmm. Tonight I watched "The Queen" with a couple of friends, and for the occasion I made a chocolate mint pudding. I'll have to post a recipe link to it tomorrow; it was scrumptious. (And the movie was good too.)

But now it is time for Menu Plan Monday, thanks to Org Junkie! Visit her to browse more menus.

Here's what we're having (I hope) this week:

Monday: Sausage, Apple and Cheddar Bread Pudding
Tuesday: freezer meal
Wednesday: African Chickpea and Spinach Soup & cornbread
Thursday: Asian Spaghetti
Friday: dinner at folks
Saturday: pasta w/ ham & Rosemary & Garlic White Sauce and broccoli normandy (Rosemary and Garlic White Sauce adapted from this recipe)

I do recommend the above white sauce, if you want something more interesting than alfredo for your pasta. It's pretty easy to make, and the rosemary-infused milk makes it special. (Totally easy too, you just use the microwave.)

Check back for pictures of the linked recipes! (And check this week's back posts for pictures of last week's - the baked tomatoes and the Indian Chicken Casserole turned out really well!)


p.s. Sadly, I didn't make the Better-than-ever Beef Enchiladas on Thursday because, well, my mother-in-law offered to buy us dinner. (Okay, not so sad!) But since I had the beef defrosted, I cooked it up anyway, and froze it, and am thinking about making it on Sunday night, if it turns out that my weekly dinner with my girlfriends is at my place (I think it is). So, I'm still planning on making that one, it was just replaced with taquitos and powdered donuts this week (um, the kids picked the menu? oh, okay, we did . . . powdered donuts are SOOOOO good.) :D


Robin said...

Looks like a yummy plan. I'm going to try the Bread Pudding recipe. Sounds like something different.

Annie said...

Looks good, I don't blame you... an offer for dinner out never goes rejected :o)
Have a great week.

Sandra said...

Great menu this week, the Bread Pudding sounds really good.

lasselanta said...

You hooked my interest with the African Chickpea and Spinach Soup. Will there be a recipe posted for that one? :-)

Unknown said...

Did you enjoy the movie? I just picked it up yesterday. I'm planning on watching it tomorrow.
Great menu plan. Everything sounds tasty.

Jennifer said...

Very interesting menu. Sounds wonderful!