Sunday, June 10, 2007

Coconut-milk Pudding Rolls: Sunset

I'm gonna have to give a mixed reviews on these. While the sweet yeast rolls themselves were absolutely scrumptious, and I could have eaten the whole pan of THOSE, the coconut icing part was too much for me. Too rich, too cloying, too . . . coconutty.

However, my husband thought I should make them for the next ten weeks straight, every night of the week.

Or something like that. From me, two stars. From the rest of the family, five.

peace of Christ to you,

1 comment:

~liz said...

just wanted to let you knwo that these rolls are wonderful. although, like you, i like them MUCH better without the sauce. i make them as dinner rolls and hamburger buns and they're always well-received!